Monday 27 June 2016

Democracy Monument


The Democracy Monument in Bangkok was built in 1940 to commemorate the establishment a constitutional monarchy in 1932. It was the rallying point for student unrest and popular revolt in 1973 and 1976. In 1992, scores it Thais were killed as they protested against General Suchinda Kraprayoon’s regime.

The Democracy Monument was began in 1939 to commemorate the 1932 revolution which overthrew the absolute monarchy and brought Thailand its’ first constitution. Despite the Monuments name, full democracy was not introduced in Thailand in 1932. The country saw a series of military coups and military regimes until the final establishment of democracy in 1992. The four wings of the Monument are each 24 metres high,signifying the date,June 24th , when the new constitution was signed. The location of the monument, between the old Grand Palace and the Dusit Palace, is also significant. A copy of the original constitution is held in the central pedestal.

The monument was designed by an Italian, Corrado Feroci,who was invited to Thailand in 1924 by King Rama VI. The sculptor stayed in Thailand, became a Thai citizen and changed his name to Silpa Bhirasi.

The Democracy Monument occupies a traffic circle on the wide Rajadammoen Boulevard which runs from the north end of Sanam Luang, up to the Golden Mount, then turns up towards the Ananta Samakorn Throne Hall. Tha monument is at the halfway point between Sanam Luang and the Golden Mount. The volume of traffic makes it difficult to see the details of the Mounment op close. There are currently plans to build a tunnel under the roadway.

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